Board Directors
Our Board Of Directors
The Cooperative's business and affairs are managed by a board of ten directors who are elected to the board in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws from and by the Cooperative's Members. The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing rules and policies which govern the Cooperative. Each director is elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected for unlimited consecutive terms.
The Board of Directors typically meets on the third Tuesday of every month.
To be placed on the board agenda, a member desiring to attend a Board meeting shall complete and sign the Request to Attend Board Meeting form and shall submit it to a Director or the CEO/General Manager not less than 10 business days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. A member may attend a Board meeting for any lawful purpose.

Trey Ruschhaupt
District 1

Bode Hausmann
Vice President
District 3

Tammie Boyd
Secretary / Treasurer
District 6

Todd Adams
District 2

Raymond E. Brandl Jr.
District 4

Michael Maraggia
District 5

James Hayes
District 8

John W. Beck, DVM
Director at Large
Board Map
Our Cooperative Leadership

Blaine Warzecha
General Manager
Call Extension 2101
Jeri Alvarez
Member Services Manager
Call Extension 2113

Laddy Brown
Operations Manager
Call Extension 2160

Richard Tristan
AMI Supervisor
Call Extension 2124

Jessica Gray, MA
Chief Financial Officer
Call Extension 2128

Adam Estrada
Roxanne Peña
Broadband Manager
Call Extension 2131

Patrick Uresti, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Call Extension 2117

Maria Firova
Human Resources Manager
Call Extension 2112

Nathaniel Pennell
Operations Manager
Call Extension 2163